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I'm a complete beginner, can you help?Yes! It doesn't matter if you have never done any endurance ever, or you're looking to qualify for a world championship. We have been at both ends of the spectrum and can help whatever your situation.
How long do I need to train for an IronmanThere is no black and white answer here but it truly is a case of the longer the better. Endurance performance is about patience and consistency over a long time.
Do you do in person training?No. We are an online only coach. We have found there are no compromises to training effect even with a remote relationship. This is due to the unlimited communication we offer which means the training plans are very fluid. However, if you do happen to live local to us we regularly organise group rides/in person meetings with our athletes. In certain situations we will also organise 1:1 swim analysis for an extra one time cost. But don't forget we have yearly socials and online training sessions as well!
Do you have different plans?No. Although we could easily make a cheaper set plan or a package with reduced services this does not align with our ethos. Without the ability to constantly check in with our athletes, the training we provide is completely fluid and allows us to navigate the ups and downs of life with ease, avoiding injuries etc. Everyones life is unique with work/life commitments. We cater personally to this and create a plan that works best for YOU.
Do you coach for single distance events?Yes! As a triathlete we are also swimmers, cyclists and runners. We have competed in numerous ultra marathons and bike sportive and can help you plan your way to these goals as well.
How can you improve my swim remotely?Through a mixture of in depth descriptions, videos and drills we have found we are easily able to improve everyones swim just as much as an in person coach. As technical as swimming can be, there are lots of simple changes and common mistakes we see that are easy to correct without us being on pool side. Don't believe us? Check out our testimonials
Do I need a power meter or other fancy gadgets?Not at all. Whatever the magazines tell you, you don't need a power meter/hr monitor/fancy bike to start! These tools can be very useful but only in certain situations and they're definitely not a must.
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